Why take your massage certification courses with Dr. Aruna Patki?

  • 100% of students strongly agree that

    The course material was consistent with the learning objectives. This course was challenging and motivated me to learn. The instructor was well organized throughout the course. I will use the information that I have learned in my practice. I would suggest this course and instructor to a peer. This course was worth the money I paid to take it. This course was worth my time.

  • What students are saying about Dr. Patki's courses:

    "Very proficient in her teaching. I would like more courses from her." "I have learned so much. I could sit with this instructor for hours."

  • Student review of Dr. Patki's knowledge, expertise, and treatment:

    “I went to Ayurveda Healing Spa to take my CEU’s- I had no idea I was going to meet a treasure in Aruna Patki. Her knowledge and expertise of Ayurveda is invaluable. Run don’t walk if you want to experience the oldest healing system of prevention and treatment of disease. If you are ready to take back your life, to regain a balance between mind, body, and spirit, you deserve to make an appointment. I promise you will be seen and listened to.”